Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Quick Fix: Temporary Orders

Temporary orders are often necessary to keep the peace and sanity of parties going through a divorce. Ben Franklin, or some other wizzen old guy once said "good neighbors are made with strong fences" (or something like that) and that sentiment goes double in a divorce. A hearing must be had in front of a judge to rule on temporary orders. In Texas, the courts are supposed to set a hearing within 14 days of the request for one, but with the overcrowded courts being what they are nowadays, it is becoming rare that you can get a TO hearing that quickly. Temporary orders are the marching orders for the parties and they are put in place so that everybody knows what will be what until the divorce if final. The parties will be granted posession and access to certain property at the exclusion of the other party. The house, cars, personal effects, etc. will be awarded and the use of community funds may be restricted. Another useful temporary order that is often include is the requirement that both parties must file an inventory and appraisement of the property and other records that will help the parties value and divide the property when it comes time to finalize the divorce.